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What is Entomology?

Entomology is the study of insects and their relationships to humans, the environment, and other organisms. Entomologist make great contributions to such diverse fields as agriculture, chemistry, biology, human and animal health, molecular science, criminology and forensics. 

The BJHS Entomology Club will be involved in projects throughout the school year to educate others on the importance of insects. We will be visiting the Mississippi State Extension center as  well as  taking mini field trips throughout our school ecosystems. Stop by room 106 to grade an afterschool form. You can also find a form on Ms. Dodd's website. 

If the world of bugs is interesting to you, please consider joining our club! Listen to the announcements for information about our first meeting. We will be watching a BUG documentary in 3D!!  

Stephanie Dodd

Stephanie Dodd

Science Teacher BJHS

Entomology Club Sponsor