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Starfish Employee of the Week

2024-2025 Starfish Employee of the Week

Starfish Teacher 9/9-9/13 – Ashley Chichkanov







My StarFish Teacher for the week is Mrs. Ashley Chichkanov. Ashley wears so many hats for BJH, but her dedication, hard work, and commitment has significantly contributed to the success of our school. She’s the first person everyone sees as they walk in the front office of the school, she always greets everyone with a smile on her face, and has a positive attitude. She sets the atmosphere and tone for our school by being in her position, and I think that she’s the perfect person for that. Her ability to adapt and be flexible with unexpected situations is admiring. Ashley helps out whenever and wherever it is needed, and it is greatly appreciated. We may not say it enough, but we are grateful and thankful to have her in our BJH family.

Starfish Teacher 9/2-9/6 – Coach Hill


I am nominating Coach Hill as starfish teacher of the week! Coach Hill always goes above and beyond for her students and her athletes. I have worked with Coach Hill for 6 years now and she has always held her students and teams to a very high standard. She pushes all girls to their highest potential and sets a good example for them. She is also very organized and keeps her gym clean by sweeping the floors herself. In season she can be seen teaching her athletes to overcome their weaknesses and push themselves harder each day. Overall, Coach Hill is a great teacher and coach and she deserves the recognition of this award.

-Coach Bellais

Starfish Teacher 8/26-8/30–C. Bellais


Coach Bellais and I both started teaching at Biloxi Junior High the same year. Over the last seven years I have watched her grow as a teacher, coach and friend. I am always inspired by her drive and competitive nature. When in season, she can be found on the field conditioning with her athletes as if she too were in Junior High. In her classroom, she is insistent that students treat each other with respect and follow school and classroom expectations.  In addition to teaching and coaching track and soccer, she also volunteers to drive bus routes when needed. Congratulations to our newest Starfish Teacher, Coach Bellais! 


Starfish Teacher 8/19-8/23–Casey Bridley


Having worked here for many years, I’ve witnessed the hard work and dedication of everyone, and I believe it’s important for each person to receive the recognition they deserve for the time and energy they put into their students and school. That being said, this week I would like to shine the spotlight on Mrs. Bridley. She is always ready to lend a helping hand when she sees a staff member struggling with a project. She volunteered to assist in the registration computer lab and helped distribute last year’s yearbooks to students because she saw that we needed extra help that day. Furthermore, she ensures that donations from businesses are sent to BJHS for th ePBIS student of the week, providing students with a little extra gift and recognition for their kindness If we inform her about a student in need, she goes above and beyond to rally others to help that student receive essential items such as clothes, shoes, Christmas gifts, and school supplies. Mrs. Bridley also serves as yearbook and Kindness Club sponsor, and she makes her US History class engaging and enjoyable for her students. 


Thank you, Mrs. Bridley, for all you do to support us in the office and for our BJHS students.

Starfish Teacher 8/12-8/16–Courtney Martin


Our first Starfish Employee of the school year is Mrs. Courtney Martin!! Courtney was nominated by Ms. Laura Landry for all of the help that Courtney provided during registration, and administration seconds that! She is our go-to person for most anything!


I would like to give a "Big Thanks" to Mrs. Martin for helping me with all the registration setups and the whole process.”--Laura Landry


We appreciate you, Mrs. Martin!